The Fineprint

Terms & Conditions for SME Rocket Package

  • Availability of domain names is not within our control. We can guide on the choice of top level domain, because there are usually several options. The domain is on us for the first year, but anything over N$750 for the first year will be for your own budget.
  • We can help migrate your mailboxes to the cloud, but limited to 5 mailboxes. Any more than that would incur extra expense, or if you want to watch while we do the first five, you would be able to do the rest on your own.
  • The monthly charges for your mailboxes will be for your own account, and depends on your choice of service provider.
  • Web site is limited to 10 pages, you would have to supply is with all the content (we can help and show you how to create it). You will have a choice for look-and-feel, and we can change it as well, but we stop at 3 iterations. That means you give us your initial content specification, and you can ask us to change things twice. After that there will be added cost.
  • An upfront fee of 40% is applicable, the remainder upon completion. We can also negotiate a monthly amount to help smooth out your cashflow.

Terms & Conditions for Strategic Consulting

  • Since we would be engaged in an advisory capacity and not be accountable for your own gains or losses, we want to make that explicit. We don’t guarantee any future performance nor offer any safeguards for any future losses.
  • We reserve the right to engage with whom we want and on the basis that we would all agree to. If we like your elevator pitch, we may give you several hours of consultation for free, bearing in mind that there is no such thing as a free lunch (according to research).
  • If we do agree on an hourly rate, we will invoice every two weeks, and would appreciate prompt settlement.